
  • 2023-12-04December

    Electric Power Submetering – Why

    The concept of electrical power submetering has been considered for decades, however, until recently implementation was impractical. The available technology was the standard electro-mechanical meters installed by electric utilities on the outsides of buildings at the point of entry of the electric power from the electric utility distribution grid. These meters can provide information on […]

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  • 2006-02-10February

    "Partners in Wealth – The ins and outs of collaboration"

    “Partners in Wealth – The ins and outs of collaboration” (The Economist, January 21st-27th 2006) is the title of an article that I found very intriguing. This article was part of a section in that issue of The Economist entitled “The new organization”. The article quotes from a paper entitled “The Strategic Enterprise: Rethinking the […]

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  • 2005-11-18November

    Shift in market

    I was struck with a “wow” moment the other day when my wife got on the Internet to listen to a “real time” pod cast of a public radio program she likes from Houston, Texas (we live in the northwest of the United States). I realized that the Houston radio station has essentially expanded their […]

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  • 2005-10-18October

    Strange Partnerships

    This morning I read an interesting newspaper article relating to globalization in The Seattle Times (October 18, 2005) – Parent of Airbus to build portion of 787’s fuselage by Dominic Gates, Seattle Times aerospace reporter. The gist of the story is that European Aeronautic Defence & Space (EADS), the company that owns 80% of Airbus, […]

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  • 2005-10-12October

    Other Resources

    I am not sure where I have been, but I just became aware of search engines for BLOGs. The Blogging program I use ( has a modest search function which identified several Blogs relating to the topic of globalization. The Blog which caught my eye is Outsourcing/Offshoring Information and Resources. This site provides links to […]

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  • 2005-09-02September

    The Angst Associated with LCR Sourcing

    I have been reading many articles, as I am sure everyone else has, about the difficulties, negative impact, angst that has result from the upsurge in Low Cost Region (China, India, etc.) sourcing of products. To paraphrase a laid off manufacturing worker in Ohio, she “blames consumers like herself for wanting cheap foreign goods”. This […]

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  • 2005-08-23August

    How China runs the world economy

    I have recently been reading a series of articles in the July 30th-August 5th 2005 The Economist supporting this thesis. The underlying theme of their thesis is that “China, along with the other emerging giants, India, Brazil, and the former Soviet Union, has effectively doubled the global labor force, hugely boosting the world’s output and […]

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  • 2005-07-25July

    Devaluation of the Yuan to the Dollar

    As anyone who follows the subject of outsourcing or “low cost region sourcing” knows, two significant events occurred last week. China reported a second quarter economic expansion of 9.5% of GDP and China revalued the Yuan approximately 2% from 8.28 Yuan/ US$ to 8.11 Yuan/ US$. Probably of more significance than the modest revaluation, was […]

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  • 2005-07-07July

    CNOOC Ltd bid for Unocal

    I have been reading many articles over the past few weeks, as I am sure others have, regarding the recent acquisition bid by the Chinese CNOOC energy company for Unocal. As one would expect, the opinions range from “this is a disaster” to “let’s play fair”. May be because of my ancestry and overseas experience, […]

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  • 2005-06-29June

    Rapidly Developing Economies (RDE)

    The recent article “Navigating the Five Currents of Globalization” by The Boston Consulting Group (January 2005) identifies five underlying global market changes which will have a profound impact on the future operation and organization of commercial businesses. “… Rapid growth of RDE markets” “… cost and capital advantages of RDEs” “… development of talent and […]

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