T.I. Chen Blog

  • 2018-12-03December

    AC Electric Power Monitoring and Measurement Sensors

    Retrofitting Existing Distribution Networks The current generation of electric power AC current sensors that are suitable for retrofitting existing distribution networks have obtained a level of accuracy capable of near revenue grade metering. These split-core sensor designs permit the installation of the AC current sensor without taking the primary conductor off-line. The standard solid-core AC […]

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  • 2018-09-17September

    Micro-Grid, Option for Restoring Electric Power to Puerto Rico

    I have read several interesting stories of organizations proposing and installing Micro-Grids as a means of restoring electric power to areas in Puerto Rico. The Micro-Grid systems incorporate electric power generation, electric power storage and/ or smart-grid connection to the electric utility distribution network. The installations goals are; Restoring electric power. Providing backup to critical […]

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  • 2016-09-23September

    California Zero Net Energy Program: Part 2

    The California Zero Net Energy program discussed in the previous post will have a significant impact on new construction. The average residential electric power usage in the State of California is 6,741 kWh per year (U.S. Energy Information Administration) or 18.5 kWh per day on average. Presumably a residential home will generate electric power using […]

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  • 2016-09-16September

    California Zero Net Energy Program

    I recently read an article about the California Zero Net Energy program whose stated goal is that all new residential construction in California will be zero net energy by 2020. All new commercial construction will be zero net energy by 2030. Zero Net Energy (ZNE) is defined to be that the building will produce as […]

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  • 2015-11-13November

    Free Electric Power

    The New York Times published an article recently on how TXU Energy (Dallas/ Fort Worth, Texas) is offering their customers free electricity during certain times of the day. A little background may be helpful. There are three electrical grids that cover the mainland United States, essentially East coast, West coast and Texas. Several years ago, […]

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  • 2015-06-03June

    Electric Power Generation Business Model

    In the 1990’s the trend was to break-up the electric utility monopolies into separate Generation, Transmission and Distribution businesses. The intent was to open up the electric power generation side of the business to more market oriented competition with the hope of lowering prices for electricity at the wholesale and retail level. Two trends have […]

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  • 2015-03-19March

    Globalization and Free Trade Agreements

    I recently read an article in the Wall Street Journal that analyzed capital investments by multi-national car manufacturers in North America. These multi-billion dollar investments in car manufacturing facilities both completed and planned covered the period from 2005 through 2020. The time line of investments completed and planned during this period shows four (4) in […]

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  • 2015-02-19February

    Solar Arrays as Distributed Power Generators

    I have noticed several trends in the electric power market which I find very intriguing. The first is the development of distributed power generation. I am not referring to the growth of the large merchant power generators, but the growth of the individual residential power generators. My sister and brother-in-law live in Hawaii. They installed […]

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  • 2012-11-20November

    Electric Energy Monitoring

    Our business has experienced a dramatic increase in requirements for the precision electric power measurement sensors used to measure electric power at the household and small commercial level. These sensors are incorporated into energy monitoring systems designed specifically for these markets. The energy monitoring systems typically consist of a local data gathering module, a communication […]

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  • 2012-11-09November

    Rapid Prototyping using 3-D Printers

    I have read several articles recently on three dimensional printing. The concept is to “print” plastic or metal, layer by layer forming three dimensional objects. Each layer is approximately 20 to 30 microns (0.02 to 0.03mm) thick. Coordinated by a three dimensional computer automated design (CAD) software, the designed object is sliced into thin layers, […]

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