
  • 2005-06-16June

    Words of Wisdom – Commencement Adresses

    The New York Times published an article (“War on Terror Dominates Talks Given at Graduation“) by Sam Dillon which gave excerpts from several commencement addresses given to the 2005 college graduates. The personages ranged from Tom Hanks, actor, Vassar College (New York), to Mario Batali, chef, Rutgers College (New Jersey), to President Bush, Naval Academy. […]

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  • 2005-06-08June

    Importing Competitiveness

    The Wall Street Journal (June 8, 2005) published a piece in the Opinion page entitled “The Art of Outsourcing” by C.K. Prahalad, Harvey C. Fruehauf professor of Corporate Strategy at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. The “tag line” is what catches the readers attention – “We are not exporting jobs, […]

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  • 2005-06-01June

    U.S. – China Trade Relationship

    A recent column (Economic Viewpoint) in the May 2, 2005 issue of Business Week titled “Stop Scapegoating China – Before It’s Too Late” by Laura D’Andrea Tyson provided some interesting data on the USA – China trade relationship. If you will recall, Ms. Tyson was the National Economic Advisor to President Clinton and the Chairman […]

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  • 2005-05-17May

    Double edge sword

    Low cost region sourcing requires evolutionary change on the part of both parties. Low cost region (LCR) manufacturers must transition their processes, practices, procedures to those which will enable them to compete on a global basis. The implications are that in addition to very competitive prices (30% to 40% reduction over domestic manufacturers), they must […]

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